Quántica Education

Quántica Education is a school of social entrepreneurship and creative business design. Our mission is to train changemakers, transform systems, and leave no one behind. We believe in the power of social entrepreneurship as a force for inclusive economic development and systemic poverty reduction. We dream of a world in which all aspiring changemakers have the tools, the confidence, and the entrepreneurial mindset to effect lasting change in their lives and their communities, using social entrepreneurship as the vehicle which can bring us all closer to those impactful goals. Quántica offers alternative education, tackling the paradox of “teaching entrepreneurship” through a learn-by-doing approach, adapting the best of creative education from around the world and packaging it into intensive, hands-on workshops for individuals, young startups, and other enterprising organizations.
11. Which revolution does your start-up contribute to?
Resources - circular - ecosystems
18. In which region does your start-up mainly operate?
19. In which country is your start-up head office located?
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Hello, welcome to 4Revs Open Innovation Challenge 2021! Thanks for participating and helping humanity solve one of the four survival challenges in one generation. Share your proposal with everybody and get as many votes as you can. Remember you have until September 8 to edit your information.
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4Revs Innovation Challenge 2021

Helping humanity solve its main survival challenges in one generation (2020-2050)

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