Lokalizo/UNICEF-GIS/Voices of Youth

Lokalizo empowers young people to build coalitions of their peers, local leaders, and other actors to increase preparedness and resiliency to emergencies. With Lokalizo, the response to a humanitarian disaster will be improved by hundreds of hours of combined work by the community to map risks and resources, and building response networks when disaster strikes. Lokalizo utilizes UNICEF's mobile mapping tool UNICEF-GIS and their child friendly social media network Voices of Youth to build authenticated maps of risks and resources and strong networks to act and prepare together. With public access to the maps created, all stakeholders can coordinate and communicate their action to build resiliency and have an accurate portrayal of where things are most vulnerable and where resources exist. The coalitions created by Lokalizo among the community stakeholders improves the responsiveness to record and publish sensitive information and will enable institutional collaboration to save lives.
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First 72 Hours

Soluciones que entreguen una respuesta rápida frente a las necesidades básicas y humanitarias producidas por una emergencia o catástrofe

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